Have you been in dilemma where you think you are better forget certain issues in your past or wish they would never ever happen in your life? It could be bothering your routine or even make you feel down.. down.. and down until you couldn't see how the skyscrapers are almost reach the sky above. And you do not know how pathetic person you are for letting all the rubbish come across on your mind constantly, dramatically, hysterically in every time and everywhere you go. Seems it haunted you!
Hey, look up! It's beautiful but you can't even see the magnificent view because you are totally loser (T-T)"
There are some reasons why people have a sort of feeling regarding this tragic scenario.
Here are the things and tips to overcome... #folded arms saying like an expert is about to explode share her secret "How to Be Successful in Life" hahaha...
Well before we proceed, please let me speak or write in Malay. Setau aku takde pun yang suru aku cakap bahasa owgputeh nie.
Aku nak cari gambar orang kecewa tiba2 nampak nie.. bantai aje lah!
Doesn't matter how was you ended up your relationship but as long as you still have your pulse and the earth is still moving 'live must go on'..OK! Aku siap bold lagi bagi sedar sikit yang part tu memang tersangatlah penting. She/He dumped you? And it really rub your heart that much? Only I could say Allah is fair.. Dia ambil benda yang kau sayang sebab nak bagi benda yang kau sangat sayang.. So why you have to be sad till it can distract your focus on something even more important. Worth ke masa yang terbuang untuk terus rasa kecewa, sedih, pilu? Please stay sotong strong! Kenapa harus benci? kenapa karus berdendam? Just keep the sweet memories simpan sebagai kenangan. Tak perlulah nak perah otak pikir cara macam nak lupakan si dia. I tell you, you may stop loving that person but memory still remain. Wokey satu kes sudah selesai.. #senyum bangga :)
mencintai Tuhan belum sempurna inikan pula mencintai manusia kerana Dia
Lebih kurang aku kecik2 dulu macam nie kot. Tapi baju aku dulu color hijau putih :)
Aku masih ingat time tue aku Pra-Sekolah. Botol air aku sama dengan sorang kawan aku, budak perempuan jugak Syikin nama dia (Tiba2 rindu pulak kat dia. My childhood playmate. Dah kawen, dua dah anak dia.) Ntah kenapa la ditakdirkan ada budak lelaki ni nak minum so dia mintak air kat Syikin tue. Tapi budak lelaki tue tersalah dan ambil botol air aku. Habis air sirap aku dia minum. Tanpa fikir panjang aku pegi je dekat dia dan tarik kolar baju dia nak bagi penumbuk. Tiba2 cikgu datang.. (Hampa...) Can you imagine I am only a little short girl and he is taller than me about 15cm but still dare to show how brave I am. Macam cerita dalam tv but it happened for real ok! Adeh, kalau ingat balik nak tergelak.. Malu pun ada... =.=' Delete! Delete! but failed... Ok, macam mana aku selesaikan masalah nie, aku berdoa banyak2 supaya aku tak kan jumpa budak lelaki tu lagi sebab mungkin dia pulak yang akan buli aku nanti.. hahaha... #tau takut~
What the h*ll!!! Apa neraka! I sent a wrong message!!!
What the h*ll!!! Apa neraka! I sent a wrong message!!!
How often you text your friends? What are the hottest topic you chit chat about with her/him? Have you accidentally send wrong massages since you are so careless browsing the name list plus kau ada banyak kawan yang nama dorang semua sama. As for me I have 5 Ayu(s) in my contact number. =.='
Terpaksalah aku distinguish dengan cara letak gelaran or something yang aku boleh bezakan ini siapa itu siapa. But still failed! Aku selalu salah hantar mesej. Kalau mesej biasa2 takpe jugak... nie mesej pasal aku suruh kawan aku pujuk si mamat bestfriend supaya maafkan aku. Then when I saw the replied message "Ein salah anta mesej ea? Hahaha bocor rahsia ;P".... Time tue aku gelabah dah cepat2 check previous message. Damn I picked wrong name! Grrr... Malunya Tuhan saja tau. Bila jumpa si kawan yang aku tersalah hantar mesej tue mulalah dia tanya itu ini. Maigoddd what should I say to stop all the salah faham (_ _*)"
Tak payahlah tanya apa aku buat lepas tue. Sebab incident tue berminggu2 aku malu. Bila tengok batang hidung dia dari jauh, aku buat2 tak nampak aje.. haha.. #tapi dia boleh bagi aku sinis punya senyuman ((-_-.))" rasa muka makin tebal
Buat muka cool aje. Lama2 kawan aku tue lupalah ~
Tak payahlah tanya apa aku buat lepas tue. Sebab incident tue berminggu2 aku malu. Bila tengok batang hidung dia dari jauh, aku buat2 tak nampak aje.. haha.. #tapi dia boleh bagi aku sinis punya senyuman ((-_-.))" rasa muka makin tebal
Buat muka cool aje. Lama2 kawan aku tue lupalah ~
Ok that's all for today...
Thanks for reading. It's kind of nightmare things that I've been through!
It might be you experience the same things too kan.. kan.. haha...
I'm off now~ have a nice day ahead ;)
I'm off now~ have a nice day ahead ;)
spread love <3 muaaahhh!
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